Here are some handy resources about the Magento e-commerce platform. They’re mainly aimed at Magento developers and people responsible for running Magento stores.
Magento in General
- Best Practices articles from the Magento blog
- Is Magento the right platform for 1M products? (StackOverflow)
- Magento version history (brief summary of what features were added in each version of CE and EE)
Magento Development
- Modern Magento Workflow and Development Tools (StackOverflow)
- Magento: The Right Way (list of recommendations for Magento developers by Nick Jones of Meanbee, inspired by PHP: The Right Way)
- Fundamentals for Debugging a Magento Store (StackOverflow)
- Where can I find a complete list of Magento events? (StackOverflow)
- Magento Dev Best Practices (by Prattski)
- Magento Design Patterns (list of the main design patterns used by Magento)
Magento Development Tips & Tricks
- Magento-qconfig (module by Tim Reynolds for searching the System -> Configuration area of the Magento Admin)
- How to test or style the order success page (StackOverflow)
- How to force flush CSS cache on client side? (StackOverflow)
- Theming – starting from scratch (StackOverflow)
Magento Performance and Hosting
- Optimizing Magento for Peak Performance (white paper by Magento)
- Maximizing Performance and Scalability with Magento Enterprise Edition (white paper by Magento)
- Best Practices for Optimum Performance (white paper by Nexcess)
- Aoe_Profiler (handy profiling tool by Fabrizio Branca)
- Magento with Varnish (good article explaining the pros and cons of using Varnish, by Benjamin Lessani of Sonassi)
- What is Memcache Actually Caching in Magento? (article by Benjamin Lessani of Sonassi)
- Magento on Steroids – Best practice for highest performance (article by Stefan Wieczorek of mgt-commerce)
- What is the Best Magento Server Setup? (StackOverflow)
- Running Magento in an AWS Environment (StackOverflow)
Magento Extensions
- How to evaluate 3rd party extensions? (StackOverflow)
- How to write a custom extension (StackOverflow)
Magento Certifications
- Studying to become a Magento Certified Developer (StackOverflow)
olidev · May 2, 2017 at 6:18 am
This is a pretty nice list with some useful stuff, especially that whitepaper on performance by Magento. You can update this list with some more good stuff. Few resources I know of are Magento subreddit /r/magento and Magenticians blog for magento tutorials.
Digital Agency · February 5, 2019 at 4:05 pm
Very useful information here. Thanks!