UK Advertising Industry Statistics

This data has been out for a few months now, but for anyone whose business depends on advertising, it’s worth a second look.

It’s from the World Advertising Research Center’s Advertising Statistics Yearbook 2008.

UK Advertising Expenditure at current prices, 2007

Total advertising
£ millions
% change
Press 7,716 -1.6%
Television 4,671 2.3%
Internet 3,026 39.5%
Direct Mail 2,171 -6.5%
Outdoor & Transport 1,058 4.6%
Radio 534 3.4%
Cinema 207 10.1%
TOTAL 19,384 4.2%

Note: Figures are inclusive of production costs.

Given the current economic climate, no doubt most of these numbers will be seeing a substantial dip next time around.


One response to “UK Advertising Industry Statistics”

  1. Ashley L. avatar
    Ashley L.

    I’m not surprised that the internet is at one end of the scale, while press and direct mail are at the other. Then you have cinemas near to the middle. The press is trying so hard and spending so much on advertising so they don’t fade out of existence, they won’t go out without a bit of a fight.

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